Monday, August 7, 2017

Big Idea: American Dream

August 8, 2017

E.Q: What songs represent you?
Describe the American Dream from your perspective.
Obj: I can introduce myself and understand others through music.
I can describe the American Dream from my perspective and demonstrate my writing skills.


Take out the soundtrack from yesterday.
Create a quick checklist of what you still need to complete.
* The guidelines are posted below if you need to review.


Word:American Dream 
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative.
(one of many)
Your Definition: 
Activity: Find image that you associate with the American Dream.

Related image


1.  Soundtrack

Throughout our lives, many of us find songs that resonate with our thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc.
Find THREE songs that represent your life at the current moment.

List out the artist's name and title of the song.
Then, provide a 2-3 sentence explanation as to why you picked that song to include on your personal soundtrack.

Once you complete your explanations, design an album cover for your soundtrack.
This should represent you and the songs.
We will share these to the class.

Class Songs

Image result for music art quotes

2.  Class Contract

Brainstorm at your table what a great classroom looks, sounds, and feels like.
We will use your ideas to collaboratively create a class contract for the semester.

3.  Big Idea:  The American Dream


How do we define the American dream?
Argue whether or not that idea is still alive today?
Compare and contrast the ideas between the two videos.

4.  One Pager

  Your Dream

This is your first real piece of writing that will demonstrate your skills as a writer.
In your assignment folder, create a document labeled your dream.
In a one page essay, explain what your dream is.
Consider what your goals and dreams are, and explain what you believe is your American Dream.

What is one thing you learned today about your classmates?

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