Friday, December 8, 2017

A Midsummer Night's Dream

December 11, 2017

Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme.

Analyze how an author's choices concerning how to structure a text, order events within it (e.g., parallel plots), and manipulate time (e.g., pacing, flashbacks) create such effects as mystery, tension, or surprise.

Image result for dug from up


Characterize Dug based on the short clip.
Use STEAL for indirect characterization.


Word: Characterization
Part of speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: the creation or construction of a fictional character.
Your Definition: 
Activity: Describe your favorite character from a book, movie, or tv show.


1.  Midsummer Night's Dream

As a class, we will read through pages 347--353

With a partner, answer the think questions on page 354.

2.  Close Read

Individually, answer the focus questions and writing prompt on page 355.

Make sure that you are answering all parts of the question.


How confident do you feel writing constructed responses?
Use the learning target.

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